Hello World

The traditional “Hello World” page - essentially a test. I have been playing around with web servers and all manner of technologies for some time now but it’s time to simplify it all, get something up and working, and Hugo, a static website generator, claims to be simplicity itself.

In this site I will be writing about coding, writing, translation, multimedia (audio and video; I’ll not say podcasts and I am not overly enthused about trying to restrict myself to [advertising-driven] market-proven forms), life in Central Europe and, perhaps, photography. For the moment, though, it’s simply time to see if this works and can be exported to one of my current web servers.

It can, of course. I return to glance over this after a number of weeks of work and disruption, which will be documented elsewhere though Covid may stand as a byword for those who did not have “a good Covid” as I have taken to joking - a play of course on the tendency in biographies, obituaries, and narrative histories to say of somebody that they “had a good war”. Because, let’s be honest, some have been living it up while others have been suffering. Me myself, I had a pretty good Covid in some ways, and a pretty bad one in others. A mixed bag. Certainly, I have been very distant from people and have spent much of it working at my computer, sometimes at home and sometimes at my makeshift office in a spare room of a flat owned by a friend of my now-ex girlfriend. I am still playing around with all of this and, as ever, do it as much for my amusement as anything else. Please treat it as such.

Initial commit